"Beans, boots, and bullets." It'd be doing this episode a disservice to skim into how that has anything to do with creativity within this promo blurb. We can say it factors large into this one-of-a-kind conversation we had with Vann Graves, the Executive Director of the Brandcenter at VCU. What an honor.
We offer you this: If you listen to what he had to say in this hour, we believe you can't NOT walk away a better leader than you were prior. Grateful that Vann carved out the time to speak with us, and blown away by his story and what he's doing now.
Check out the links below for more on Vann Graves and Brandcenter below:
Brandcenter website: https://brandcenter.vcu.edu/
Brandcenter on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/vcu-brandcenter/
Brandcenter on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vcu_brandcenter/